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Powershell PowerUp

The PowerShell Server Management Framework you're looking for.

Download this project as a .zip file Download this project as a tar.gz file


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PowerShell PowerUp is a Server Management Framework.


Holy fucking creeper shit, this is the best PowerShell Server Management Framework I've used!

-- You in a few seconds

How to install

Download the latest release:

GitHub Download ZIP

and unzip it in the directory of your choice OR use git to clone the whole repository:

git clone git://

Now add a profile configuration file to the config folder:

COPY    \templates\Profile\Example.profile.config.xml    TO    \config\... 


RENAME    Example.profile.config.xml    TO    [Something].profile.config.xml

Now take your time to edit your new PowerShell PowerUp profile config file. Checkout the documentation below for more information.

EDIT    [Something].profile.config.xml

SAVE    [Something].profile.config.xml

Open your Powershell commandline and enter:

PS C:\PowerShell-PowerUp> Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned

Or depending on your windows security restrictions:

PS C:\PowerShell-PowerUp> Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted

At last execute the install script from the PowerShell commad line:

PS C:\PowerShell-PowerUp> .\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.install.ps1